San Francisco


Written by SF Surfrider | Mar 12, 2015 11:50:00 PM

Tonight’s meeting was very informative and we had a great turnout, 35 guests and all of the pizza was consumed. Spring is really shaping up, and our presence is being felt in the community. We had 5 Gyres, ZipCar, and Sports Basement employees in attendance.

February Recap 

Plant Don’t Pave was at Glen Park elementary school 2/28, where students, parents and Surfrider volunteers built a bio-swell (retention structure to keep water for planting), as well as little bridges and continued to work on making the ground hospitable for new plants. Phase two complete

Beach Cleanups - Statistics- 106 volunteers, 912 lbs. of trash.

SF International Film Fest-2/27 - 3/2 Jeff and Katie volunteered, did public outreach.

Upcoming Events:

Beach Cleanups - Sunday 3/1 and 3/16 at stairwell 17 from 10-12. Saturday 3/27 at Baker beach will be a big one- the American Bar Association is coming with volunteers

-We are starting to collect butts on beaches and partnering with “teracycle” to recycle them.

OFG -Event-Saturday march 21st, last gardening day from 10-2

Sloat - SF is updating their costal planning master plan. Sharp Park- there is talk to do away with golf course and restore it to where it should be. Keep an eye on his blog.

RAP - The plastic bag ban is being challenged so it will come to vote in November 2016.Shannon is looking for people to spread the word on their own social media or pounding the pavement about not using straws in restaurants and bars. RAP fundraiser in May-“mac and cheese cook-off” with raffle drawing (also looking for donations for that raffle).

Hold On To Your Butts - Shelly is looking to local businesses to sponsor ashtrays/receptacles. Also thinking of having mini-receptacles to encourage mindfulness.

5GYRES - We were visited by Marcus Ericson (cofounder), who published the plastics-in-oceans report. Blake- 5-Gyres new campaign manager, spoke to us about legislation to ban plastic micro-beads in cosmetics. (

Earn the Day- The videographer is wrapping up the video from the teaching kids to surf (Thanks Big Dog). The El Rio bar will have an even in April to show the film and ½ of all drink sales will go to the Boys and Girls/Earn the Day.

March 14th,  we will be tabling at Sunset Mercantile , located at 42nd and Irving. Donations for drinks will benefit Surfrider.

EARTHDAY!!! April 19th Guests from Zipcar and Sports Basement were at tonight’s meeting to discuss Earth Day planning. They will be sponsoring a cleanup on 4/19, with Zipcar inviting there 90,000 members and Sports Basement their thousands of members. Both companies will be offering incentives to their members, such as driving credit, and sports basement making t-shirts. Note-.Zip car services keep cars off the road, Surfrider member gets 10% off at Sports Basement!

-Along with the beach cleanup from 9-12, we are looking to have a BBQ at Church of Surf, and we would need volunteers. Check with Jacqueline (