San Francisco

Annual Planning Meeting Notes (+link)

Written by SF Surfrider | Jan 21, 2016 4:40:42 AM

Annual Super-Planning Meeting

January 10th, 2016

The meeting was held at the Church of Surf form 1-4 pm, with approximately 14 members present.

As a chapter, we discussed issues regarding financial transparency, program goals and means of achieving them, as well as separate smaller issues and upcoming events.

Finance- Michael has been working tirelessly to organize and present accurate accounting and summaries of the chapters finances. To accomplish this, finance information will now be in Google docs, and we are working with national to get program actuals.Transparency is key with this topic. If we are to spend money, we are to do so more wisely, to keep us out of the red and sustain campaigns. Questions came up regarding what exactly is considered “in the red”. The topic of Bill being paid as a contractor for Sloat. Questions were raised about his role as a member in conjunction with being a paid contractor, as well as concerns over why some programs had a paid contractor while others did not. The explanation of paying for Restore Sloat is that it’s a key point of our chapter and the contract has a finite lifespan. Everyone was encouraged to reach out individually to Brian + Bill with questions. One of the goals today is to understand what each program needs and planning an annual budget. In addition to each programs' finance, we talked about moving the meetings around the SF area to accommodate the cost of pizza and beer as well as including other areas and neighborhoods.


Goals - Jeff spoke about program goals and including those on Google docs. He provided instructions on how to enter each programs' information into the Google document (go into docà templateà right clickàmake new versionà and then map out goals on the calendar. Each program will have its own tab, and we will eventually have a master sheet to allow for understanding of what is going on through the year.

This meeting included several new members, which was encouraging that our chapter has fresh ideas and faces to implement them.

We also discussed the need for a different space for our physical stuff; Brian and Sarah are currently exploring options regarding a shed in the back of Church of Surf.

The topic of EC position elections was thoroughly discussed, and several positions are available to be filled within the upcoming months. We are working to get an event coordinator, Chrissy has expressed and interest and we will vote on this a.s.a.p. There are currently three positions up for election; however, we have yet to see an interest by a member to fill those rolls. Meanwhile, the EC continues to work to find people to fill those positions.


Campaign goals + plans will be posted here: