San Francisco

May Coastal Commission Hearing Recap

Written by Mike Grizzle | May 21, 2018 8:51:00 PM

We have an update on the Coastal Commission hearing from May 10. 
On a positive note, the Commission did indeed approve the Local Coastal Plan amendment for Sloat.  Thanks again to everyone who helped with this effort. Now, the restoration work outlined in the Ocean Beach Master Plan can be legally implemented.  

Re: Pumpstation: Unfortunately, we came up short on this issue.  The project was unanimously approved by the Coastal Commission despite the issues we had with the Alternatives Analysis Report and its results.

It was unfortunate to be put into a position to choose between enhanced water quality and beach preservation.  That being said, we did record our concerns; and look forward to ensuring a more rigorous review is performed regarding any future infrastructure upgrades at the site.

The Pump station upgrade construction will begin shortly and is due to require the closure of the northbound lanes south of Sloat over the next 2.5-3 years.

We will have more info. on the next steps in the process to restore Sloat coming soon.  In the mean time, if you would like to help us with our campaign efforts, please contact us at anytime at