Tuesday September 1st, 2015 Minutes
- Started promptly at 7:20
- 21 People attended the meeting
- Beach Cleanups -First and third Sunday, fourth Saturday of each month. Patagonia
occasionally has them on Monday too. (Who needs to be updating the calendar?)
There is a big cleanup with after party at Church of Surf on September19th for
Coastal Clean-up Day.
- Hold On to Your Butt- we have been getting out cigarette tins. Shelly has been
talking with authorities at Port of SF to get ashcans installed in areas to get the
runoff that directly goes into bay a bit cleaner. Looking for volunteers.
- OB Parking lot issue -Brady brought stats on paper -10 events since April, 38th days
of closure.
- MOP -Outside lands had some new projects come up- “Clean Vibes Trading Post”- if
people brought cans, butts, etc., they could trade them for prizes. There was the
starting of the idea of quarterly beach clean up with Outterlands. Another issue was
The Riptide Bar burning down- fundraiser at Cat Club raised $9,000+ for the Riptide
crew, which has hosted many Surfrider events.
- Financial updates -from Mike- transaction tracker being made to make finances
more transparent.
- Sloat Campaign - the big “thing” in August was the sending of a letter to key public
agencies regarding the issue of Lake Merced Tunnel.
- We had a biologist speaker, Pat Conroy, come in and give a talk and slide show, very
informative about the sewer treatment plants in SF how they clean the water before
it goes out to the ocean, and the water we see on Ocean Beach when we have storms.
The attendees of the meeting had some engaging questions and the speaker was
great at answering them.
- Either Tia or Sarah will order more Surfrider logo clothing this week.
- Meeting ended at 9 pm