We had a very informative chapter meeting last month. Thanks to all who attended. Ben Grant provided a nice summary of the Ocean Beach Master Plan while Bob Battalio brought us up to speed on the alternatives analysis study for the Lake Merced Tunnel (LMT).
It looks like SFPUC is going to go thru with building the Ocean Beach Master Plan’s buried seawall for the Tunnel. Engineer Bob Battalio explained that the models support the ability to protect the LMT with the low profile seawall thru 2100. However, the amount of sand dune replenishment needed to maintain the beach looks to be significantly high, especially after 2050. The Alternatives Analysis report is not finalized for publication yet, but when it is we will post a copy so you can check over the details.
While we are glad to see the City moving on a plan to clean up and restore the beach, we still contend that it is worth the investment to remove the LMT from the erosion hazard area now, and not sometime after 2050 when the cost will be much greater.
As surfers we know all too well the character of the nearshore environment at Ocean Beach. If anything, it is wildly unpredictable, subject to extreme energy, and thoroughly unforgiving. Leaving the LMT so close to the surf zone is a risky choice. We can only hope the design works as well as the models say it will and preserves the beach.